2015-16 GP tables and season winners

The 2015-16 season has been fun and exciting, with a record number of children participating in the KJCA tournaments throughout the season. 

Congratulations to the leaders of the GP tables for this season. They all played consistently good chess and gained success throughout the season, the winners of each sections were:  

U9: James Merriman,  U11: Charlie Metcalfe, U14: Anantha Anilkumar and U18: Andrew Ng Chen Lok. The winning primary school was Claremont Primary and winning secondary school, St Olave’s Grammar

Full GP tables can be found on: http://www.kjca.org/site/page?view=GPTables

As GP8 was the season final, there were also trophies for those with the highest overall GP score in each age group and loyalty awards for those players attending all the tournaments throughout the year. 

Other young players got well-deserved chess medals and we hope that everyone enjoyed the day and was inspired to continue playing in the Kent junior chess tournaments.

If you would like to see more photos please go to our facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/kentjuniorchess/

Please remember that KJCA is run by volunteers to ensure all our children enjoy local chess tournaments, coaching days and opportunities to represent Kent and play in national competition.

We are always looking for more help, particularly with catering, equipment and setting up tournaments. If you would like to get involved, please do contact jowildman@hotmail.com, or speak to one of the helpers at the next event, and we can chat about how you can be part of our team.

The 2016-17 season beings in September 2016 with both a fun ‘friends & family’ event and GP1. As soon as the details are confirmed the events will be uploaded onto the website for registration.

Wishing all our young chess players and their families a great summer and lots of luck to any of the Kent juniors who are participating in national chess events over the summer, we look forward to reporting on future successes.