Close second place for Kent U11 at EPSCA Finals

Well done to everyone in the U11 team for a great performance at the EPSCA Finals. All the young players found some top quality chess and they were outdone by just one point in an extremely close competition.

The Under 11 Inter-Association Championship Final 2016 was held at Wycombe High School, High Wycombe, on Saturday 7th May 2016.

The 17 teams competing were Barnet, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Glamorgan, Hertfordshire, Kent, Lancashire, Nottinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Richmond, Somerset, Sussex, Tameside, Wey Valley, Wirral, and Yorkshire.

The day started well. Following an inspirational briefing from Chris Ward, our young team made a great start in round one dropping just two points.

Round two was tough but Kent maintained their two point lead with some tenacious performances.

Round three was always likely to be a tense affair and didn't disappoint. Despite an impressive 17 points, the final tally left us just a point short of first place.

Well done to Barnet, the deserved winners who just beat us with a full score of 20/20 in the last round.

The final results were:

1st - Barnet on 52/60

2nd Kent on 51/60

3rd Nottinghamshire on 46/60

Our full team were: Ranesh Ratnesan, Bobby Akeya Price, Charlie Metcalfe, Viktor Jamroz, Ciaran Brightley-Davies, David Dallykyan, Saahil Bansil, James Merriman, Huseyin Gueriane, Jack Chaudhury, Shreyas Royal, Shlok Verma, Navieinaah Haridas, Eoin Moore, Yong Gui Wang, Stakhey Sedykh, Dominic Coates, Alexander Levin, Abishaik Gnanenthiran, Charlotte Bruce, Oliver Dobson, Marius Kobler, Jai Chaturvedi and Kimball Catling.

Throughout the day the chess was played in a wonderful spirit and every member can be proud of their achievement.

Many thanks to our team managers, Simon Metcalfe and Kris Jamroz, and to GM Chris Ward and GM John Emms for their coaching, guidance and support throughout this season. Also to all the parents and carers, who brought the children along to both the zonal and the final competitions and continuously support their chess.

To see the full results go to: