Institute of Chess - November level 1 and 2 exams

Well done to all those that sat their level 1 and level 2 IoC exams on Saturday 29th November. 

The results are below:

Institute of Chess

The results achieved at the KJCA’s Institute of Chess examination session held at Sandhurst Primary School on Saturday 29 November 2014 were as listed below

The certificates will be presented during the afternoon of the KJCA GP3 tournament at The Judd School, Tonbridge on Sunday 18 January 2015.


Level 2: Coach – William Jones (James Maguire on day1): 4 candidates

Merit:              Georgina Bruce

Pass:              Zeno Burns

                       Maxim Catling

Level 1: Coach – James Maguire (Krishna Shiatis on day 1): 5 candidates

Distinction:   Finn Clements

                       Nicholas Local

                       Anthony Simms

                       Nandika Subrahmaniyam

Merit:              Jessnia George