GP 2 – The Skinner’s School – 2014/15

Our second GP of the 2014/15 season attracted another excellent turn out with 95 players across 6 sections, many entering their first ever tournament and representing many different schools and counties. The event was held on Sunday 2nd November at the beautiful school of The Skinner’s School in Royal Tunbridge Wells, West Kent and also doubled as a London Junior qualifier event.

Congratulations to all our players, but in particular the top three and prize winners in each section:

U8: 1st Harry Saddington (5.5/6), 2nd equal on point Stakhey Sedykh, Laurence Madgett and Eoin Moore (4/6), with Laurence winning the second place trophy and Stakhey winning the third place trophy on the performance tie breaker.

U10: 1st Max Wilkinson (5.5/6), 2nd equal on points Aayash Patel, Charlotte Bruce and Yong Gui Wang (5/6), with Yong winning the second place trophy and Charlotte winning the third place trophy on the performance tie breaker.

U12: 1st equal on points Viktor Jamroz and Nikhil Chidipothu (5/6) and 3rd equal on points Mahuaa Verma and Orla Dorman (4.5/6), with Viktor winning the first place trophy, Nikhil winning the second place trophy and Mahuaa winning the third place trophy on the performance tie breaker.

U14 (merged with the U18s): 1st Alejandro Ito-Aramendia (3/5), 2nd Aurideep Nayak (2.5/5), 3rd equal Kiran Shiatis and Charlie Metcalfe (2/5) with Kiran winning the third place trophy on the performance tie breaker, though special mention must go to Charlie who as an U10 was playing in his first U14 / U18 section and achieved a hugely impressive 2 points..

U18: 1st equal Rohan Shiatis and Anantha Anilkumar (4.5 / 5) and 3rd equal Jacob Watson and Mikey Watson (3/5)

Top performing school groups were:

Primary: Claremont Primary School (64.4)

Secondary: St Olave’s School (57.4)

Full cross tables can be found on:

Current leaders of the GP tables after this event are as follows:

U9: Max Wilkinson

U11: Kiran Shiatis

U14: Jacob Watson

U18: Rohan Shiatis

Primary: Home Educated (Primary)

Secondary: Home Educated (Secondary)

Full GP tables can be found on:

As always a huge thanks to the many parents and children who kindly helped out on the day, without you we would not be able to function as an organisation and all help is much appreciated.

Many thanks also to The Skinner’s School for accommodating us and for letting us use their beautiful school.

Please note: GP 3 will be held at The Judd on Sunday 18th January 2015. We hope to see many (if not all) of you there once again.

Please also note: our coaching days which are run by our very own GM Chris Ward. The second of these will be held on Sunday 29th November at Sandhurst Primary School. You can book online at the following link: For more information please visit our website on the following link:


Best wishes